Science of Reading Books in Early Years: Make Your Child Smarter

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Reading books in early years makes enormous impact on learning capacities of a child. There is science behind why it is important for children to read and develop reading habits. Reading every day not only makes you smarter, but it can also make your brain work better. Just like jogging is good for your heart, reading regularly is good for your memory because it gives your brain a good workout.

Science Backed Reasons to Read a Book

It’s no secret that reading is good for you. In fact, there are countless scientific studies that back up the importance of reading books in early years. Here are just a few science-backed reasons to read a book:

  1. Reading helps you learn new things.
  2. Reading improves your vocabulary.
  3. Reading makes you smarter.
  4. Reading helps you focus and concentrate better.
  5. Reading strengthens your memory.

Benefits of reading books in early years

Reading books has many benefits, which is why it is so important for children to read from a young age. Some of the benefits of reading include improved vocabulary, increased intelligence, and better focus and concentration. Reading books in early years also strengthens memory, providing children with a valuable tool they will use throughout their lives.

So why is reading so important? Quite simply, because it makes you smarter. The more you read, the more you learn, and the more places you’ll go. Exposure to new vocabulary through reading (particularly reading children’s books) not only leads to higher score on reading tests, but also higher scores on general tests of intelligence for children. Plus, stronger early reading skills may mean higher intelligence later in life.

So, make sure your child is spending time reading every day. It’s good for their mind, body, and soul.

How to read to Children

Reading helps you relax

It’s no secret that reading is good for you. In fact, there are countless scientific studies that back up the importance of reading. One of the benefits of reading is that it can help you relax. Here are just a few science-backed reasons why reading is so relaxing:

  1. Reading helps you forget about your troubles and focus on the story.
  2. Reading slows down your breathing and heart rate.
  3. Reading reduces stress hormones in your body.
  4. Reading makes you feel more relaxed and calm.
  5. Reading helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.
  6. Reading improves your mood and reduces anxiety levels.

Reading books in early years is very Important for Children!

Why is Reading so Important for Children?

There are many science-backed reasons why it is important for children to read. Reading every day can help children learn new things, improve their vocabulary, and make them smarter. Reading also helps children focus and concentrate better, strengthens their memory, and reduces stress levels. So make sure your child spends time reading every day – it’s good for their mind, body, and soul!

It’s no secret that reading is good for you. In fact, there are countless scientific studies that back up the importance of reading. Reading comprehension also makes a significant effect on learning capabilities fo children.

Effects of Reading Books in early years on Child Development

What are the effects of reading on child development?

Reading has many benefits for children. It helps them learn new things, improves their vocabulary, and makes them smarter. Reading also helps children focus and concentrate better, strengthens their memory, and reduces stress levels. So, make sure your child spends time reading every day – it’s good for their mind, body, and soul! It is also one of the major reasons, parents are opting for more Homeschooling programes.


1. Why is reading important for children’s development? Reading is crucial for children’s development because it helps them learn new information, improves their vocabulary, enhances their cognitive abilities, and fosters a love for learning from an early age.

2. How does reading make children smarter? Reading exposes children to new ideas, concepts, and vocabulary, which stimulates their cognitive development. It also enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, contributing to overall intelligence.

3. What are the benefits of reading for a child’s focus and concentration? Reading requires sustained attention and focus, helping children develop these crucial skills. It teaches them to concentrate on a single task, which can be applied to various aspects of life.

4. Can reading books enhance a child’s memory? Yes, reading books in early childhood strengthens memory as it involves retaining and recalling information from the story. This improves a child’s ability to remember and apply knowledge in different situations.

5. How does reading help children relax and reduce stress? Reading provides an escape from daily stressors by immersing children in captivating stories. It lowers heart rate and stress hormone levels, promoting relaxation, better mood, and reduced anxiety.

6. How can parents encourage their children to develop a reading habit? Parents can encourage reading by setting aside dedicated reading time, providing a variety of age-appropriate books, being role models by reading themselves, and creating a reading-friendly environment at home.

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Reading books in early childhood is not just a leisure activity; it’s a fundamental building block for a child’s intellectual, emotional, and social development. The science-backed benefits of reading include improved intelligence, focus, memory, and relaxation. Parents play a crucial role in fostering a love for reading in their children, setting them on a path to a lifetime of learning and personal growth.

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